Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Pembebanan putar/ puntir pada perancangan poros berlobang (Hollow shaft)

A hollow shaft is required to transmit 800 hp at 110 rpm, the maximum torque being 20 % greater than the mean. The shear stress is not exceed 630 kg/cm2 and twist in a length of 3 metres not to exceed 1.4 degrees. Find the external diameter of the shaft, if the internal diameter is 3/8. Take modulus of rigidity as 8.4 x 10^4 kg/cm2


Horse power transmitted ; P = 800 hp
Speed of the shaft ; N = 110 rpm
Max torque, Tmax = 1.2 Tmean
Max shear stress, fs = 630 kg/cm2
length of the shaft, I = 3 m = 300 cm

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